Embrace the journey of self-discovery. Love yourself for who you are, and watch your world change for the better. You are enough, just as you are.

Welcome to My Website!
My name is Raymond Lei. Full Stack Engineer
About Me
I am a skilled software developer with expertise in full-stack applications, 3 years of experience, focusing on ASP.Net Core. I have used React.js for front end, MVC, Razor/Page, Blazor Server with MudBlazor, Entity-Framework Core, SQL Server, and Azure Blob Storages. Proficient in creating efficient CRUD operations, user authentication systems, and scripting with PowerShell and Python. I've worked with medical claims data, and facial recognition apps, and managed multiple Asp.Net Core Apps on Azure App Service and IIS. My skills extend to data visualization using d3.js written in Typescript, SVG, and reads GeoJson for geography charts, and I have experience in network security monitoring applications and real-time notification systems, interacting with IoT Devices. For my personal profilo, I have made a few games in Unity3D. Additionally, for cloud experience, I am familiar with several Azure Services.